Beautiful Huong River

Huong River: The Spirit of Hue City

Nothing encapsulates the spirit of Hue more than the Huong River, with the life on its banks and waters reflecting the city’s poetic beauty. It’s the pride of Hue citizens, as well as the source of inspiration for many artists.

When speaking to the people of Hue, I realize they have a common pride – the Huong River. From street vendors, taxi drivers to our concierges, they all admire this delightfully atmospheric river. One even said that it’s the gift of Nature to their home city that no other place in Vietnam can compare.

A bit flattering but true. Hue owes its charm partly to its location on the Huong River. It’s picturesque on a clear day, yet still somewhat poetic in less favorable weather. The river twists and turns like a piece of blue silk, bringing grace to Vietnam’s former imperial capital.

1. The River

Originating from the majestic Truong Son Mountain Range, the Huong River has a total length of 80 kilometers. After its two sources join at the Bang Lang Fork, the river flows northward, passing the final resting places of the Nguyen Emperors. From there, it flows in the northeast direction past Thien Mu Pagoda and to Hue city.

Before reaching the city, Huong River stretches its “arm” to embrace the entire Imperial City, granting some protection to the former capital. The river continuously flows past Hen Islet and a dozen of tranquil villages, before emptying into the Tam Giang Lagoon.

In the autumn, flowers from the riverside orchards fall into the water, giving it a fresh, perfume-like aroma. Hence, the river was named Huong Giang, literally translated as Perfume River. Coincidentally, its sobriquet speaks up the river’s poetry and romance.

On a sunny day, the Huong River appears like a huge silver strip traversing the green fields and mountains. It then turns into a purple-hue blue color at dusk, evoking serenity, yet somewhat melancholy. And when the city lights up at night, the river reflects the kaleidoscopic nature of the life on its bank. That’s why many artists, poets, and composers have immortalized the Huong River into their works.

On the bank of Huong River

2. The Royal Tombs

Before the construction of any royal mausoleum, feng shui masters were consulted to find the most propitious location. Typically, the deceased emperors should rest with their back leaning on the mountains, while their front facing the river. That’s why you can find several tombs in close proximity to the Huong River. Among them, Minh Mang Tomb is the most profound. It is located directly at the Bang Lang Fork, where the river’s tributaries intersect.

The path leading to Minh Mang Tomb

3. Thien Mu Pagoda

Another attraction along the river is Thien Mu Pagoda (or Celestial Lady Pagoda) – Hue’s most popular religious architecture. Set on a small hill overlooking Huong River, this temple was originally constructed in 1601 by order of Lord Nguyen Hoang. While touring the vicinity, he was told of a local legend in which a mystical old lady dressed in red and green often appeared on the hill at night. She foretold that a Lord would come and erect a pagoda on this site to pray for the country’s prosperity. Upon hearing this, Nguyen Hoang ordered the construction of a temple at the site. And the temple was named Thien Mu, in honor of the presiding deity of this plot of land.

Over time, Thien Mu Pagoda underwent several reconstructions. Its most iconic element – the Phuoc Duyen Tower – was first built in 1844 under the reign of Emperor Thieu Tri. The tower has seven stories, representing seven reincarnations of Buddha. Beyond this are an inner courtyard and a humble temple where the statue of Buddha and two Bodhisattva sit. The temple is surrounded by a collection of bonsai, many of which are considered rare species.

Besides the architectural value, Thien Mu Pagoda is known for its connection to the late-monk Thich Quang Duc who self-immolated to protest against the Buddhism suppressing policy of the Ngo Dinh Diem regime in 1963. The photo of his martyrdom was captured and it’s one of the most internationally known images of the Vietnam War. And his relic, the blue Austin car that he used to drive to Saigon, can be found on the ground of Thien Mu Pagoda.

View of the Huong River from Thien Mu Pagoda
Seven-storey tower – The most famous element of the Celestial Lady Pagoda

4. Hue Citadel

Passing Thien Mu Pagoda, the Huong River continues to flow into Hue. It winds through the city, with the imperial citadel looming over its northern bank. Emperor Gia Long himself chose this exact location after two years of examination and consultation with the geomancers. It follows strict feng-shui principles in which the Huong River plays an essential role. The river also contributes to the defense of the citadel. Its water is deliberately led to the citadel, creating multiple moats, ponds, and streams.

The moat around the Imperial City

5. Truong Tien Bridge

Crossing the river is Truong Tien Bridge – a typical example of French architecture in Hue. Constructed at the beginning of the 20th century, the six-span steel bridge has the famous architect Gustav Eiffel’s fingerprints all over it. To date, the Gothic-style bridge has connected the banks of the Huong River for over 120 years.

Truong Tien Bridge was built under French Governor Levecque to replace an old bamboo crossing. Over the last century, it has undergone several modifications (its name alone has been changed five times). The graceful bridge has witnessed the ups and downs of the former imperial capital, as well as the devastation of wars. Together with the citadel, Truong Tien Bridge stands for the resilience of Hue and its people.

The bridge is almost mesmerizing at night when it’s illuminated by hundreds of electric lights that are constantly changing colors. Furthermore, a pedestrian walkway on the southern bank allows visitors to enjoy the cool breeze from the river, as well as to take in some of the most picturesque views of the bridge.

The bridge stands for the resilience of Hue.

Trang Tien Bridge – a symbol of Hue City
Truong Tien Bridge at night

10 thoughts on “Huong River: The Spirit of Hue City”

  1. Cám ơn Len đã viết về quê nhà của cô.
    Đó là nơi đẹp nhất VN : )

    “Con sông dùng dằng, con sông không chảy
    Sông chảy vào lòng nên Huế rất sâu…”
    (Thu Bồn)

    1. Cháu cảm ơn cô Mai vì 2 câu thơ. Ngắn gọn nhưng miêu tả được hết bản chất của sông Hương: chậm rãi nhưng rất khó quên 🙂

  2. Wonderful pictures, Len! The river has been the source of life in most civilisations. The pagoda looks equally stunning. There’s so much to see and so little time. 🙁

  3. Len, you have painted such an intriguing and romantic picture of the Huong River with your words and photos. I love that it translates into perfume river. It’s very cool that the Truong Tien Bridge was designed by Gustave Eiffel. The light show is amazing. Why so many name changes?

  4. You did justice in capturing the beauty of Huong River.It looks really divine in a day and more even delightful to see at night.I am sure the rich history of this city and the past generations have their own stories to tell about their lives shared with it.Come to think of it, without this river, I guess Hue City won´t be complete.
    I would really love to see a Pagoda, it´s so mysterious.

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