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15 thoughts on “Kronborg: Power of the Danish Royal”

  1. Happy 2018!
    Wow. Having being in Denmark quite many times in the past we had not gone inside the Kronborg nor the maritime museum! This is a good reminder for us to do so when we next get through Copenhagen!

  2. Happy 2018, you two! The castle is definitely worth visiting, even though its appearance might not be as impressive as castles in Germany, France or Spain 🙂 If you like, you can take the ship from there to Sweden. The distance is even shorter than from Copenhagen to Malmö.

  3. I like the serenity of the shots. It must be a lovely place to escape to…
    How’s your new year been? I’m feeling a little unmotivated I must admit. 😅

      1. I intended to say that you might get winter depression. But I remember it’s still summer in Australia. So you are probably bitten by lazy bugs! 🙂
        If you are too lazy to write, you can make a photo diary. I guess you still have some memorable travel moments that you want to share with us 😉

  4. Lâu đài này có vẻ kiên cố hơn mấy lâu đài bên Nhật. Có lẽ ở Nhật thời xưa ít bị tấn công bằng súng đại bác hơn.

    1. Cháu nghĩ Kronborg xây kiên cố chắc là để chịu được cannonball của tàu chiến 🙂 Chứ xây bằng gỗ như ở Nhật chắc vài shot là sập. Nhưng về quy mô thì lâu đài ở Nhật cũng ko kém đâu. Ví dụ như lâu đài Himeji cũng có đến mấy vòng thành.

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