Tag Archives: Colorful

Groningen: An Unexpected Discovery

Looking at the map of the Netherlands, Groningen seems a long way from everywhere. Only a handful of travelers venture to this northeast corner and few have written about it. But there are so many things to discover in this city, from the beautiful train station, and the picturesque old town, to the vividly colorful marina. Each nook and cranny of Groningen seems to have a story to tell.

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Gamcheon: The Artistic Side of Busan

A hillside labyrinth filled with vivid colorful houses, Gamcheon is a destination for travelers with an interest in art and history. The village has emerged from the dust of poverty to become one of Busan’s most unique attractions. Here and there, quirky murals and eccentric figures spring up, adding an artistic touch to a lesser-known part of the city.

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