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20 thoughts on “Hiroshima: The Hope of A Nuclear-Free World”

  1. Thanks for letting us know a little bit more about Hiroshima. I feel so sorry for the victims even though so many decades have passed.. War is never good for ordinary citizens. But sadly due to political reasons, it’s the common people who suffer the most.

    1. Sadly true 🙁 Many of the victims are children who had nothing to do with the Japanese Army. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time… I have read that the bomb not only killed people, it also traumatised a whole generation of Japanese.

  2. Thanks for sharing this awful history of Hiroshima being hit so hard in order to remind us how principal important the safeguarding of peace is for our entirely blue planet.

    1. War is never a solution. I think the one who actually win in a war is the politicians and weapon dealers/producers. The losing one is the common people, regardless which side they are on.

  3. Cám ơn loạt bài cháu viết về Nhật Bản. Có vẻ như cháu đi tự túc chứ không theo tour. Cô định sang năm sẽ đi chơi khoảng 2 tuần. Cháu có trở ngại khi giao tiếp với người Nhật bằng tiếng Anh không? Đó là một trong vài ba điều cô ngần ngại. Cô đang tự học tiếng Nhật chỉ mong sang năm là đủ sức đọc bảng hiệu xe bus, order thức ăn, biết những tuyến đường xe điện và xe lửa.

    1. Trước khi đi Nhật cháu cũng lo là mình sẽ gặp trở ngại về tiếng. Nhưng mà hệ thống chỉ dẫn ở Nhật tốt lắm cô ạ, thậm chí còn khoa học hơn ở châu Âu nhiều. Mỗi bảng chỉ dẫn đều ghi tiếng Kanji và tiếng Anh đầy đủ, còn có đánh số thứ tự để mình dễ tìm hướng đi. Mỗi tuyến tàu đều được kí hiệu một màu khác nhau. Mà cho dù có hụt tàu, ví dụ như Shinkansen, thì cứ 15-20 phút lại có một chuyến khác. Còn đi ăn thì phần lớn các quán đều có menu tiếng Anh. Mấy quán cao cấp thì waiter giao tiếp được bằng tiếng Anh. Nói chung là người Nhật họ chăm sóc tourist cũng cẩn thận lắm (ngoại trừ mấy chỗ bán hàng mà có nhiều người TQ ra).

  4. In all the moments of hatred, you’ve reminded us of the beauty of peace and resilience. I’m sure the experience must have been extremely humbling. 🙂

    1. Sorrow, especially when reading the notes of the victims. I also felt a bit desperate, because there is zero chance that countries will give up on nuclear weapons. The Flame of Peace would never stop burning 🙁

  5. On my trip to Japan back in autumn 2016, a friend of mine who lives in Hiroshima actually said to me that her city is not too far from Okayama, one of the cities I went to on that trip. However, my friend and I realized even though it was absolutely doable, we decided to pay Hiroshima a visit next time we’re in Japan for we wanted to explore the city on a leisurely pace. Speaking of the atomic bomb, it’s very disheartening that despite the utter destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, today some countries still posses nuclear weapons just because they want other countries to fear them. The world will never be a better place if fear dictates international relations.

    1. Indeed. It’s a destructive cycle, if countries keep threatening each other with nuclear weapons. Peace talks might not always work, but it’s far better than a nuclear war where everyone is lost.

  6. I read somewhere that the explosion was so powerful that the radioactivity sort of dispersed and hence, that’s why people can actually live there without problems (unlike Chernobyl)!? I don’t how much truth there is in such a statement.

    Thanks for sharing. I wish people would pay more attention to this kind of locations and memorials to see what we are all still risking nowadays.

    1. Sounds reasonable! Combining with the wind from the nearby sea, the radioactivity was perhaps blown away, and thus it didn’t have any long-term effect on the city.

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